you ever been experienced? Experience and technology
are what turn ordinary freaks into Insecto mutant
soldiers. So whether their specialty is exiting vans
before parking, tying up traffic in Hollywood or
moving equipment, experience and blind unquestioning
obedience helps soldiers develop skills and confidence
that'll put them at the top of their class in
today's modern service sector and corporate
environment. The ArmyBugs have jobs organized into four basic areas:
And, as the
ArmyBugs become more technologically advanced, so does the training soldiers receive. Basic Playa Training). High-tech training make
the Insecto ArmyBugs more marketable in a service
and information based society. Much of it is either directly transferable to a civilian career, or builds character traits
that employers are looking for. So, basically, wherever a soldier wants to go in life,
they can get there from here. Transport System Pilot é
Every ArmyBug
transport system pilot has a responsible and rewarding
assignment operating both some of the most archaic
transport systems to some of the most technologically advanced
air and spacecraft in the galaxy. Transport system
pilots go through the Warrant Officer Training
program where they learn everything about
transport services from the ground up. They develop skills in basic operations, tactics, night vision operations, attack, scout and general support roles. But ArmyBug
transport system pilots have to know
much more than piloting. They must also be masters of
navigation, frame and engine maintenance and state
of the art bio-mechanics. Once their 13 hour training program is
complete, transport system warrant officers
operate in combat, rescue or reconnaissance missions, depending on their individual expertise. Defense Artillery é
Defense Artillery and employ weapon systems forged on the
cutting edge of 21st century technology to defend deployed
Insecto forces and friendly population centers from
ground, air, missile, and space attack. Venture where the action is - up front alongside our battle tanks - in a
Mutiny ChestBurster to defend the maneuver force against
surf monsters, cruise water missiles, and attacking
ninjas. Prowl the battlefield in a VeeDub mutated
bugger, ready to unleash the lethal DM6688 Scorpion
Gun. Operate sophisticated radar and early warning systems directly linked to satellites swirling silently in space. Employ the world's most sophisticated battlefield air defense
system - SkyNet on the vanguard of our defense. Keep your eyes glued to the scope in a
SkyNet engagement control station, ever alert for sinister icons that signify the menacing
descent of incoming tactical bloated software. Watch from your launching station as a
SkyNet missile erupts from its launch pod and streaks toward its intercept point at the edge
of the atmosphere. No matter which air defense IOS you choose, the "First to Fire" branch offers you a world of excitement and a crucial role to play on new millennium battlefields. Infantry é
Soldiers toting M-16s, crouched in foxholes, shivering in the rain... that's the Hollywood image that probably comes to mind when you think of the infantry. The truth is, today's
Insecto mutant soldiers are
smart and very well trained, They use onboard
cybernetic and emotional processors to collect and relay data about their positions and that of enemy units to commanders miles away, all in
real time. As technology makes its way further into the field, infantry
mutants will be even better trained... for careers in the civilian world.
It wasn't that long ago that we carried crappy laptops in
our packs. Even the weapons we carry are computerized and linked to our onboard processors.
Experiments é
Insecto Army Experimental Medicine has come a long way since
SMASH. If one of the mutants get hit in the field
you have no idea what you may be dealing with and
there's wire and chips everywhere. By linking into
the mutants I/O port and onboard processor and
then electronically transmitting the data back to
the labs the field medics and lab techs can make a
reasonable guess how to put them back together
again. Using Telemedicine field medics can help
technicians diagnose
problems long before they reach the hospital. Telemedicine even allows
our field medics to replace 90 percent of the
mutants components in the field with minor
supervision from the lab technicians. A soldier who chooses a
medical IOS may also be trained as a tyrannical nurse, an X-ray, or
processor specialist. Armor é
Long before they
put on real armor, bio-mech simulators allow crew members
to learn shooting, moving and communicating with other
linked mutants. Practicing in virtual reality really cuts fuel and weapons costs associated with training. Plus, it
allows each mutant more actual hours of training. Once in the field,
bio-mech soldiers tap into SkyNet to keep track of individual tanks, enemy units and other friendly forces on
a complex digital computer grid. Field Artillery é
Insecto ArmyBugs employ the very coolest state of the art equipment to deliver devastating firepower from long range. Field artillery systems like
the Mutant Laidback Rocket System (MLRS) and the
MU262A1 Panther self propelled heywhat require
highly trained soldiers working closely together in teams to make them work. These soldiers receive expert
training in sophisticated digital burst radio systems and
onboard fire control computers. A Global
Positioning System on board the heywhat tells the crew
just where the hell they are. A Forward Observer team uses a laser
locator/designator to determine the exact position of a target. This information is transmitted by
data burst to the Fire Direction
Center, and the FDC team assigns the fire mission to the guns, feeding the firing data to the
onboard computers of the Panthers by digital burst. The
Panthers stop moving, fire,
and are moving again before the rounds land on the target. Signal Operations and Intelligence é
Insecto ArmyBugs and Mutech Corp. head the SkyNet
Galaxy Wide Military Satellite Communications for the
Department of Defense. Signal Operations is the maintenance crew on the military's information
superhighway, along which travel "friendly" and, occasionally, enemy signals. Military Intelligence
involves gathering information and composing battle strategies based on it. Soldiers in both Signal Operations and Intelligence have a vital role in information control and transmission in today's
computerized Insecto ArmyBugs. Chemical
Warfare é
Like dude he said
chemicals. So here's the deal, a chemical mutant
soldier is a special kind of soldier, trained and ready to fight and win in the 21st century.
And like we have to have the best stuff you know.
And somebody has to "test" it to make sure
it's the best. That's where you come in. You will be trained in
Animal, Chemical and Vegetable (ACV) Defense.
The Animal takes a Chemical and becomes a
Vegetable. The training you receive will help protect your country and the world against
ACV weapons of mass inebriation. Your expertise as a Chemical Soldier may help prepare you for a
civilian specialty job such as third world HazMat
disposal, a corporate rapid response team for damage
control, or a chemical incident and accident response team member
for city, county, state, or government programs. Your developed skills in
media manipulation, teamwork, and scapegoating, combined with a
dulled sense of reality, self discipline and motivation, are skills and values demanded by all civilian employers.
Oh and dude let's keep this between us for now ok? |