Villians, hooligans,
and humanoids I have been assimilating the various threads regarding the
walled city of Gigsville. When I first heard the concept I had two immediate
but entirely separate ideas, however after some thought and seeing other
responses on the list I have assimilated the various ideas into one all
encompassing package. The background story can be changed to suit whatever
the actual reality turns out to be. It was designed to be adaptable to
cover whatever concepts and contingencies come up. Respectfully submitted
for your comment and review: Gigsville the last outpost of Black
Rock City. If you have the Wall, put it on.
I It was after the Millenia Wars. Bill Gates and most of the Windows geeks
were dead unprepared for the backslash after the Windows Leap Year crash.
The Mac people had gone totally underground. The Unix Guru's and the Unix
faithful already embattled with NT ha d circled their wagons into armed
camps and walled cities. Hordes of Humongus Frat Boys and Media Whores
fought over the remnants and pillaged all who were unfortunant enough
to run across them. Amazingly most of the internet, running Solaris, Linux
and Unix servers remained intact. Rumors abounded about a fabulous walled
city with a 12 volt grid powered by solar energy and wind. Occasionally
scraps from the digest appeared when a NT server on the net managed to
boot for a few minutes. Most who had gone searching for Gigsville were
never seen again and the few that returned were changed, different somehow
but nothing you could really put your finger on. Occasionally there would
be raiding parties bringing Jack Assery to the world and recruiting or
kidnapping others to join them. No matter how much they tried to put it
off as myth, as the derangd visions of old hippies, the mad ramblings
of the psychotic ones the man still burned on every year. And in Gigsville,
the last outpost of Black Rock City the mystique and the passion of the
burning never faltered.
The Secession of Gigsville last outpost of Black Rock City. A walled city
under siege or a fortress of aggression. Four gates, vehicles parked nose
to nose around perimeter plus fencing, barbed wire, boulders, moats, guardtowers
with water cannons and lights. Visas, papers, arbitrary laws, staged atrocities,
entrapment, trials, reeducation, abductions, and
experiments. Green cards, ilegal aliens, lockdowns, persecution, deportation,
immigration, bribery. Roving patrols randomly enforcing no spectator zones,
no camera zones. Black ops, jack assery expeditions.
Premises and considerations. My premises and considerations for the proposal
are as follows.
1. Flexibility. Must be able to adapt to various threads easily
and without invalidating itself.
2. Participation and labor. Designed to be able to be self supporting
without extensive labor or participation. We want to be able to go away
and have fun too. We need to be able to operate with one or two people
on roving patrol to full village participation during a lockdown.
3. Coexistance. We must coexist within the greater burningman community
and outside authorities. Damn it all. Gates will cause major hassles unless
they are manned at all times or left open when there is insuffiecient
4. Random and tyrannical enforcement. Nothing makes people crazier
than lack of consistancy. By having constantly changing laws and enforcement
of such it will drive those who don't get it crazy. We have to be able
to make and break rules to suit our particular situation at the moment.
There are other considerations as well but I'm having a little trouble
expressing my thoughts as fast as they are occurring. As you can maybe
see I've been obsessing on this a while. Anyway here are some more details
of my visions.
1. Four gates each of which can be themed differently. An Oz gate,
a Berlin Wall gate with guard towers, water cannons, lights and maybe
Pink Floyd, and maybe a road warrior or beyond Thunderdome gate or maybe
both. Suggestions?
2. Vehicles around the perimeter parked nose to nose to reduce amount
of walls and fencing. Also incorporate minefields, moats, barbed wire,
boulders and litter fencing into perimeter. A tank or some type of road
warrior vehicle patroling the boundarys.
3. Guard squads, soldiers, and roving patrols as available. Different
themed uniforms as available. For instance the leather bound girl guards
with pink and white acetalyne torches, (would these not also be our BSE
cheerleaders?) or some genetically altered mutant cyborg warriors.
4. Peoples courts to instantly decide fate of people arrested for
crimes against the state. Reb and Boy as lawyers the Mayor of course the
impartial, unbribable judge. Court could also be postphoned until the
bar shows up. And will we allow appeals? Subject to whim and/or bribes?
A roving court following the bar with judge, jury, and executionor for
crimes against burningman.
5. Reeducation center and the minister of propaganda. First there
was Tokyo Rose we of course have Tokyo Rico. Therm I think I can get corporate
sponsorship if any medical research or experimentation is required.
6. Black and covert ops. Plant evidence, stage atrocities, and entrap
victims as needed. Also we can go a lot further with things when our victims
are plants and are fully aware of our intentions.
7. Passports and immigration. When gates are unmanned rules regarding
open imigration will be posted and enforced by any uniformed personnel
willing to do so. When the gates are in operation and personnel are available
we can do papers and visas and reeducation. Reeducation might also be
a consequence of sentencing.
8. Running man, beyond Thunderdome arenas of death for those convicted
as an
alternative to execution or deportation.
9. Camera permits, no media zones, beat the photographers. Enforce
and stage as available.
10. Ambassadors of JackAssery. Excursions for recruitment or kidnapping
as needed.
11. Mad Max decoy ride of free beer and titty dancers to distract tourists
while raids or escapes occur.
12. Lockdowns of the city periodically for apprehension of dissidents,
immigration violation, spectator violation, or media violation.
13. Underground railroad to sneak in or out of the city.
14. Abductions, assainations, aggression against our neighbors, lebensraum.
Hey if we need it then why not. It's not like we don't have a mandate
from God to do whatever we feel like.
15. Hero? Villain? Victim? Assume whatever story and identity you want
and insert here.
16. Obsessions, compulsions, hang ups, use at your own discretion.
17. Absences and omissions were not deliberate. I just needed to get all
this out on paper and my mind is well ahead of what I can express.
Ok, it might be a tad bit radical. And it will involve a lot of work and
jack assery. But it's doable. And it's not like I came up with all this
stuff myself. We don't have to be real coordinated or organized to make
it work. If we don't feel like doing anything we let people come
and go at their own risk. Then if we feel like doing something we can
range from isolated acts of jack assery and specterrorism to full lockdown
and persecution. We will have the look, the reputation, the rumors, and
the laws of our community will be
clearly posted. Or not.