The Femtech teen raver Barbie clones, from Mutech Corp. are America's greatest
weapon in the WAR Against Ravers. Femtechs feature state of the art Black
Rock Edition Anti Spectator Tactical Shields and biomechanical armor with
genetically altered alien, firefly, and chameleon DNA coupled with Mutel
Obtanium processors for realtime fractal bioluminescent pattern generation.
The state of the art industry standard architecture allows for easy field
upgrading and seamless integration of disparate legacy and current systems.
A stunning and intuitive graphical user interface sets an unprecedented
technology breakthrough in design and functionality. Femtechs form and funtion,
style and elegance are unsurpassed by any other system on the marketplace
today and well into the future.
Biomechanical Technology is the process of creating living machines and integrating
biological components with technology. Mutech's biomechanical armor forms the base
component of all systems. This armor or monster skin, as we call it, serves as a
multipurpose interface isolating the user from outside environmental concerns and
preprocessing the incoming data stream to filter out unneccessary distractions.
The innovative Biocore bus couples biological and machine I/O streams with Mutel
Obtanium processors allowing for direct or arbitrated connection as needed. The
system can instantly reconfigure from an urban industrial environment with
realtime bioluminescent fractal pattern generation to full desert survival mode
with the built in evironmental stabilization systems.
TRB666 Biommek Barbie comes in a variety of hair colors and styles and is
specifcally design for deep Rave infiltration and intelligence operations
with self contained 5 watt Luxeon royal blue leds for wide area uv illumination,
tactical image targeting sensors, and assimilation seduction systems. Biomek
Barbie is designed to pass through and infiltrate any level of Rave security
and integrate into their systems to allow for monitoringand network subversion.
Charming and cunning Biomek Barbie with her spectacular visuals and unique
personalities will leave even the most hardened candy raver begging to be
assimilated. Biomek transport sold separately.
Sylvie aka Nutech was the first, and is arguably still the finest Femtech.
Introducing new state of the art features such as bra blasters, long range
LED antenna array with dangling data acquisition probes and illumination
modules, multi spectrum hypnotic trance choker, LED finger gaseuos percussion
systems with 1 watt Luxeon/o LED palm lights, and direct connect interface to
the galaxy wide web. Sylvie completely altered the paradigm of assimilation into
audience interaction and converting civilians into rockstars. Resistance is
futile. Mutaytion... because evolution takes too long.
We can build you better than before.
We have the tools.
We have the technology.
Mutech Corp. Where Technology Grows.